
Monday, December 26, 2005

Finding The Best Child Care

Finding The Best Child Care

Why would you need childcare?
Perhaps you are returning to work, it may only be a one off special occasion whatever your requirements you will want the best care available for your child.
Personal recommendation is one way of finding the right care. You will have an idea of the cost, conditions and what children actually do and achieve if someone you know sends their child to a certain place. This could be a childminder or an actual nursery, the choice is yours.
Common sense comes into place when choosing a child minder.
Make sure that they are registered and insured.
Find out the ratio of children that they look after at any one time. The last thing you want is your child to be one of many children and not receive proper care and attention. Apart from the fact that you are paying for the childcare, it is certainly not suitable for your child.
Are good health practices encouraged, hand washing before eating and after toileting?
Are children encouraged to play together and interact with each other.
Do they do meaningful activities and not just sit in front of a television set.
Does the childminder have your permission to take your child out?
These are some questions you could ask when visiting a prospective childminder. Also ask if you can see where your child will be playing/eating, going to the toilet. Hygiene is of the utmost importance and you really need to know that your child is also in a safe environment.
Childcare nurseries are also in abundance nowadays. There is quite a lucrative market with so many parents returning to work when their children are small so you really need to know that you are receiving the best child care for your money.
Again personal recommendations are also a good way of starting your search for appropriate care. These are just a few points you might like to consider.
First impressions – is the environment comfortable and cheerful?
Are the staff friendly and helpful?
Are there examples of children’s work on the walls?
What play areas are there?
Is there an outdoor supervised area?
Do they follow good health practices?
Are the staff happy to show you round?
Do they children seem happy and cheerful?
Are staff suitably qualified?
No doubt you will have many questions to ask. Write them down and take the list with you when you visit. Nurseries are an excellent way to naturally introduce your child to infant education. This is a distinct advantage over a child minder. Many nurseries are linked to schools, which make this transition even easier as the surroundings are familiar and many of their friends will progress to school as well.
We all want the best for our children and need to know they are safe and well looked after if we have to leave them someone who at the beginning is initially a stranger. All you can do is ask as many questions when visiting your chosen carer, check credentials and go by how your child feels. If they are completely unhappy at your chosen place then you might have to think of changing. Be flexible, if your child is happy then so will you be. It is always a wrench leaving your child but this is made much easier if your child looks forward to the company childcare can provide.
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